Creating high quality videos so you can spend more time enjoying the little things!
This video was my first 'Multi-POV' edit I had done for ThatFriendlyGuy. It taught me a lot about pacing
and story telling from different perspectives. ThatFriendlyGuy has used me since to create more content,
including a 3 POV video after the success of this video.
(POV = Point of View)
This video for HumanShieldz was a lot of fun to make. I was asked by this channel
to create a series for them using gameplay from their streams.
Something this channel allowed me to do was have creative control which allowed
me to create one of my favourite, most engaging intros to a video so far.
This video for XBlazed is where I creating some custom transitions and it was a lot of fun.
I had that freedom to make a video that was engaging, interesting and informational.
I later used this knowledge of creating custom effects in later projects for other channels.
For some of ThatFriendlyGuy's work I decided to create some fun subtitles. I wanted to
push myself and use my understanding of DaVinci Resolve to track the subtitles to each person.
Not only do I love this style of editing and enjoy the end product, it makes the video more
accessible to the audience.
My editing program of choice of DaVinci Resolve Studio. I've put the most time into this program and know it inside and out. I have a greater understanding of how to use DaVinci Resolve and Fusion to create custom effects, motion graphics and transitions.
My personal take is that it's better than all the competitors out there... The fact it's runs without crashing is a nice bonus as well.
My thumbnail work is done in Affinity Photo and Designer. Both being fantastic tools, I find them perfect for what I need them for. The Affinity suite has everything I need to create new designs, thumbnails and images for videos quick and efficiently.
It's nice that you don't have to spend an arm and a leg to use these programs either.
About myself
I’m Tactical and I’m a freelance video editor. I specialize in gameplay videos as I was brought up around them and I love playing games. I’ve been editing YouTube content for 10 years now, starting with a little camera facing my TV and using Movie Maker to having my dream PC set-up with some of the best software on the market.
Since I was young I’ve always been into YouTube content creation and my life goal was to become the next NerdCubed or Jacksepiceye. This is where my journey as a YouTube editor started and where it has got me today. Growing up with YouTube I have a great understanding of what makes a great video and the do’s and don’ts of the platform. This has helped with my own work and work I’ve done for others over the years. Becoming a Content Creator is still a dream of mine and one I know will take a lot of work, time and effort.
As for the gamer side of me, I love FPS games, and mainly play games such as Call of Duty, Battlefield, Escape from Tarkov and CS. I’ve been playing games since the day I can remember and they have been a big part of my life.
One thing I love about the gaming and content creation world is the friends I’ve made through the years. It’s amazing who you meet and what you learn about those around you, I truly couldn’t be happier with the people I’m around.